ence (whether reader, viewer or listener). This strengthens the case, adding a reference point which can be taken a hold of, considered, checked and reflected upon.
For example:
Churchill provided effective leadership during the war. For example, he spoke eloquently to the British people, thus galvanising their spirits at a time of great difficulty.
Students work in pairs. One person speaks, the other listens. The speaker must back up everything they say with an example. If they fail to do so, the listener points this out and the roles are reversed.
Hand students their essays back. Ask them to go through and highlight every example they have given. Then, they should identify where else they could have used examples and what these could have been.
Give students an essay title. Ask them to plan the essay. Next, students identify an appropriate example for each paragraph in the main body.
Group Essays
Like long-distance running, essay writing can be a lonely business. Inspire and motivate students by having them work in groups. Here are some possible activities:
Put students in groups of three. Provide an essay title. Working together, the students must write the essay. One could do the introduction and first key point, one most of the main body, and the third the remainder including the conclusion.
Students work in pairs. They agree a central argument for the essay. They then agree the main points in favour of this argument. One student writes the paragraphs explaining these. The other student writes rebuttal paragraphs evaluating each point.
Students work in groups of three or four. They are given an essay title and a large sheet of sugar paper. They must produce a detailed plan on the sugar paper which
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