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the Ulyanovsk region
industrial wastes and oil products from cars

the worlds purest water has been ruined

the shortage of drinking water

a lot of harmful gases in the air

weakening the immune system of people

The dangerous rays cause different diseases.

animals, plants or insects disappear

forests are cut down

a fifth of the worlds freshwater fish species have vanished forever.

Приложение 3
The Ulyanovsk Region is situated in the central part of Russia. It is densely populated (28 men/km2). The Ulyanovsk region is intersected by a great number of roads. Oil products from cars pollute the environment each year. Ulyanovsk has highly de - veloped industry: engineering, aircraft construction, textile, light, food and power industries. There are more than 400 large and medium-sized plants and factories. Every year the region in - dustry pollutes the atmosphere with 700 tons of harmful substances. The industry and population of the region use a great number of fresh water (230 mln m3). Industrial enterprises emit tons of industrial wastes into the river Volga that influence on the water quality. These emis - sions have consequences for nature and mans health, weakening the im - mune system of people. The by-products of mans activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on. Envi - ronmental protection is of a universal concern. Thats why serious measures to create a system of ecological security, to improve the ecological situation have been taken by the Ulyanovsk authorities.

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