Educational system in Kazakhstan and Great Britain

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f, to, on)
1. Harry started school the age of five.
2. They have a holiday ----Christmas.
3. There is a holiday-the summer, too.
4. The teacher ----the school are very young.
5. Dan goes -a secondary school.
6. Hell probably pass --good marks. .
7. Betty is a teacher -English.
8. Her pupils are 12and 18.
9. She is very strict -them.
7. . Match the words with its translations Сәйкестіндіру жаңа сөздермен жұмыс
Primary school жан-жақты мектеп
Secondary school жеке мектеп
Curriculum ғылым
Private school бастауыш мектеп
Science орта мектеп
Uniform спорт зал
Comprehensive school оқу жоспары
Gymnasium форма

8. Conclusion. Қорытынды оқушылар бүгінгі сабақтан алған мәлеметтер туралы ойларын қосады
Now, children, today we talked about school day.
You worked hard today. You have done a lot of tasks. Thank you.

9. Results of lesson. You have good marks.

10. Homework: үй тапсырмасы
Write story about your school day.
Our lesson is over. Good-bye.

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