Educational system in Kazakhstan and Great Britain

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Мақсатты оқушыларға мектептегі бір күнін ағылшын тілінде меңгеру, ағылшын тілінде еркін сөйлеуге үйрету. Жаңа тақырыпты жақсы меңгерту
Көрнекілік карточка, суреттер
The procedure of the lesson:
I. Org. moment. Үйымдастыру
2. сабақ кестесі арқылы сабақ өткізу
1. Spelling. т
2. Music. "ABC song".
3. Mathematics. Games: "Loto", "Jod points".
4. Sport.
5. English.
6. Literature
7. Art.
1. Greeting. Амандасу
Good afternoon, children! How are you?
Are you ready to show your knowledge?
2. Dutys report. Кезекшілік рапорты
Who is on duty today? What day of the week is it today?
What date is it today? Who is absent?
What is the season now?
Do you like winter? Why do you like winter?
3. Today we are going to talk about school day. Жаңа сабақпен таңыстыру сұрақ жауап арқылы
Now, boys and girls, you should answer the questions about school in your country and your education:
1. Do children usually go to nursery school?
2. At the age is education compulsory in England and your country?
3. What different kinds of secondary school are there in England and Kazakhstan?
4. Are there many private schools in England and Kazakhstan?
5. Do you specialize in certain subjects at school? Which ones?
6. Did you take any exams? What were the results ?
7. When do you have holidays? 8. How long are they?
8. Do you do a lot of homework at school?
9. Do pupils of your school behave well at school?
What is your favorite subject?
Жаңа сөздер
Primary school бастауыш мектеп
Secondary school орта буын
Curriculum жан жақты
Private school жекеменшік мектеп
Science ғылым
Uniform форма

4 сабақ кесте

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