The monarch called representatives (созывал представителей). The House of Lords (палата лордов) represented (представляла) the Church (церковь) and aristocracy (аристократия), and the House of Commons (палата общин) represented the rich landowners (землевладельцы) who expressed the interests of their own town or village (город).
In the course of centuries power passed (власть перешда) from the monarch to parliament.
Card 4. Westminster Abbeyкое (Вестминстерс. Аббатство)
Westminster Abbey is opposite (напротив) the Houses of Parliament. A church has stood here (здесь расположена с) since Saxon times.
Since William the Conquerors (Вильгельм Завоеватель) times British monarchs have been crowned (короновались) there, and since 13th century they have been buried (были похоронены) there. Many famous people (знаменитые люди) are buried in Westminster Abbey
Card 5. Downing Street.
Downing Street is the home of the Prime Minister who lives at number ten. The Chancellor of the Exchequer (министр финансов) lives at number eleven. He is responsible for financial planning and the British economy. There are all important ministries in Whitehall: the Foreign Office (министерство иностранных дел), the Ministry of Defence (министерство обороны), the Home Office (министерство внутренних дел)and the Treasury (государственное казначейство).
Card 6. St. James park
St. James park is so called royal parks (королевские парки). These parks officially belong (официально принадлежат) to the Crown (короне). But they are open (открыты) to the public free of charge (бесплатно).
Hyde Park (Гайд парк) was originally (первоначально) a hunting forest (лесом
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