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to teach players using the game as a vehicle. They help children develop maths, reading skills and spelling through play. Computer games can promote the development of strategic thinking and planning skills. It has been noticed that gamers dont realize they are learning. So if educational games could be used at school, education would enjoy significant benefits.
All we should do is to control the playing, distribution, purchase, or sale of video and computer games. Violent games must be banned and the time of playing games should be strictly limited. Instead of killing and injuring people the aim of the game can be to save somebody or to make peace.
1. Read the following sentences and circle TRUE or FALSE:
1) Video and computer games are not so popular nowadays as they used to be 10 years ago. -T F
2) Some people say that video and computer games make children sociable and hyperactive. -T F
3) The levels of obesity among children and teenagers are rising. -T F
4) The vast majority of computer games are made for female game players. -T F
5) Most games require a great deal of patience and focus from the player. -T F
6) Video games are meant only for entertainment. -T F
7) It has been noticed that gamers dont realize they are learning. -T F
2. Complete each sentence (A-H) with one of the endings (1-8):
A. Video games are constantly becoming
B. The development of a computer game demands the work and skills of quite a large group of people including
C. Modern video games contain a unique synthesis of
D. Many games encourage
E. Some researchers proclaim that
F. Educational games attempt to teach players
G. Computer games can promote the development of
H. All we should do is to control
1. violent be

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