eir beloved marzipans. With the time they began to make sweets in the shape of hearts.
Angel 2: In ancient times Englishmen gave special spoons to the people they loved. They decorated them with hearts. Nowadays Englishmen give presents even to their pets.
Teacher: There are many different legends about celebrations this holiday, but no one really knows the actual origin of Saint Valentines Day. I think it has its roots in several different legends that have found their way through ages. One of them.
Angel 1: When the Roman Emperor Claudius II needed soldiers, he made a law against marriage. He decided that single young men made better soldiers and marriage would make men want to stay at home. Valentine saw the love of young couples, so he married them secretly against the law. Valentine was discovered and condemned to death.
Angel 2: Even in prison Valentine showed his love for everyone. His jailer had a young daughter who was blind. Valentine performed a miracle. He cured the jailers daughter of her blindness. Just before his death on February, 14, he sent her a farewell message signed "From your Valentine". And this day named the St. Valentine Day.
Angel 3: Another legend says that Saint Valentine was a good friend of children. He was a Christian. He would not worship the Roman gods. Thats why he was put into prison. While he was there the children that he had befriend missed him and brought him loving notes. No one knows for sure whether any of them are true.
Teacher: Children, it is time to speak, to dance, to sing about love. Because love is the most beautiful feeling mankind has ever known. It fills our hearts and thoughts and deeds. Its a strong feeling. (звучит песня "Love story")
Pupil 1 : Years pass
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