Degrees of comparison of adverbs

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this winter
expensive hotel in Paris
The kitchen is…
The Eiffel Town is…
The Hilton is …
Dark blue is …
My uncle is …
The monkeys are …
4. 3 Fill in the blanks with the Correct form of Adverb.
(Студенты заполняют карточки, затем обмениваются ими с другими студентами и те проверяют).
5. look at this slide. Here you can see a dialogue, but it is broken. Bring it in order. (Диалог собирают, затем читают на следующем слайде готовый диалог по ролям и объясняют выделенные фразы).
5. 1 Play this dialogue by roles.
5. 2 Explain the underlined expressions.
6. Here you have some papers with part of proverbs. And they are mixed. Please help me collect them and call all the Adverbs you will see. Be attentive!
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Better late than never.
Early to bed, early to rise makes people healthy, and wealthy, and wise.
An apple a day keeps the doctors away.
East or West home is best.
7. Thank you very much! You are all fine students. It was very good for you.
And in conclusion I want to say you best wishes. But I am so upset today, and lost some very important words. Please, help me with them!
Best wishes
1. Never ill. Никогда не болеть
2. Wonderfully looking. Прекрасно выглядеть
3. More often smiling. Чаще улыбаться
4. Always be dedicated. Всегда быть преданными своему делу
5. Live happily. Жить счастливо

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