Components of electric circuits. The infinitive

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To glow - светиться
Long-lasting - долговечный
Oxygen-free - безкислородный
Eventually - в конечном счёте
Bulb - лампочка
Treatment - обработка
Electric arc - электрическая дуга
Tungsten filament - вольфрамовая нить
1) Humphry Davy, an English scientist -- in 1800.
2) In 1860 --- made a practical, long-lasting electric light.
3) In 1878 ---.
4) The inventor Thomas Alva Edison experimented with ----.
5) Edison eventually produced -.
6) In 1903, Willis R. Whitney invented --.
7) In 1910 invented a tungsten filament, which lasted longer than the older filaments.
8) The incandescent bulb -.

1) 1)Made the first incandescent electric lamp
2) the English physicist Sir Joseph Wilson Swan
3) he demonstrated his new electric lamps in Newcastle.
4) different filaments
5) a bulb that could glow for over 1500 hours.
6) a treatment for the filament
7) William David Coolidge
8) revolutionized the world
OK, lets read the completed sentences.
2) Подведение итогов занятия.
What were we speaking about today? (We were speaking about Components of electric circuits. )
What have you learned about these components? ( Ive learned that the main components of any circuit are power sources, loads and connecting conductors. )
What do loads include? (Loads include electric heaters, electric motors, incandescent lamps. )
What converts electric energy into mechanical? (Motors convert electric energy into mechanical. )
What converts electric energy into light and heat? ( Incandescent lamps and heaters. )
What is delivered from power sources to loads by electric wires? ( Electric power is delivered from power sourc

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