Components of electric circuits. The infinitive

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he most common power sources are electric generators and primary cells. Electric generators convert chemical energy into electric energy.
Loads include electric heaters, electric motors, incandescent lamps, etc. Motors convert electric energy into mechanical, incandescent lamps and heaters convert electric energy into light and heat. Utilizing devices or loads convert electric energy into thermal, mechanical or chemical energy.
Electric power is delivered from power sources to loads by electric wires. According to the material, wires can be aluminium, copper, steel, etc.
Besides, electric circuits use different types of switches, protection devices (relays and fuses), and meters (ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, etc. )
Ex. 4 Complete the sentences using the correct variant:
1) The main components of electric circuits are a)loads and wires. b)power sources, load and wires.
2) Power sources are used a)to produce electric energy. b)to deliver it to the loads.
3) Electric conductors are used a)to connect the circuit elements. b)to deliver electric power.
4) Protection devices are utilized a)in some circuits. b)in any circuit.
5) A switch is utilized a)in some circuits. b)in any circuit.
1) - b)
2) - a)
3) - a)
4) - b)
5) - a)
Lets do ex. 5. You should answer the questions using the information from the text.
1) What are the main components of an electric circuit? (The main components of any circuit are power sources, utilizing loads and connecting conductors. )
2) What is the function of an electric source? ( Electric source (generator) converts chemical energy into electric energy. )
3) What is the function of a load? ( Loads convert electric energy into thermal

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