Cares of Santa Claus before the Christmas

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3. What date is it today?
4. What day of the week is today?
5. What was your hometask for today?

Before we start our lesson I want to know How are you today? As for me, I am fine. And you? Thank you. Lets start.
Today at the lesson I want to talk with you about your favourite holiday.
- What is it? - New Year!
- Who comes to us on this holiday? - The Father Frost!
- Do you know, who comes to the British boys and girls? - Santa Claus!

The father Frost and Santa Claus never meet. Everybody has own cares. Lets tell which cares The father Frost has before Christmas.
Вы уже догадались, что тема нашего урока это -
"Заботы Санта Клауса перед Рождеством".

Yes, the topic of our lesson is "Cares of Santa Claus before the Christmas. " К концу урока у нас должен получиться рассказ.

Это наша цель. Чтобы достичь цели, мы должны решить несколько задач- сделать несколько шагов к цели. Какие же шаги мы должны сделать

Итак, на доске вот наш путь.

Фонетическая зарядка.
Lets start. The first task.
Repeat after me.
s - Christmas, stockings, sleigh, sky
t - letter, put, got, into
з - the, they, this
e - met, read, present, breakfast
i - meet, read, children, chimney

Основной этап. Повторение лексики.
The next task.
Lets remember these words. Read after me. Translate, please.
get into
fly in
the sky
the chimney
the Christmas presents
the postman
the sleigh
the childrens letters

А теперь соотнесем глагол и существительное и составим словосочетание. (Интерактивн. доска) Make up the wo

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