Building materials

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Japan and China.
P4: Germany and Italy.
P5: France, Canada and Russia, etc.
T: Id like you to name the unit of currency in these countries.
P1: The unit of currency in the USA is an American dollar.
P2: The unit of currency in the UK is a pound.
P3: The unit of currency in Australia is an Australian dollar.
P4: The unit of currency in Russia is a ruble.
P5: The unit of currency in Canada is a Canadian dollar.
P6: The unit of currency in Japan is a yen. The unit of currency in China is a yuan.
P7: The unit of currency in France, Italy and Germany is a euro.
T: You can buy any building material on this money.

III. Pair work. T: Lets revise words and word expressions on the topic "Building Materials". Раздать карточки:
Card 1.
1. железобетонreinforcedconcrete
2. целиpurposes
3. щебень, битый кирпичcrushed stone, broken brick
4. structural materialsстроительные материалы
5. речной песокriver sands
6. прямоугольные по форме rectangular in shape
7. полиэфирные смолыpolyester resins
8. стеклянные волокнаglass fibres
9. используемые, применяемые used

Card 2.
1. glass reinforced plasticsстеклопластик
2. to hardenзакалять
3. coarse and fine aggregatesкрупный и мелкий заполнители
4. advantage/disadvantageпреимущество/недостаток
5. clay/cement/gravelглина/цемент/гравий
6. timberлесоматериалы
7. softwoods/hardwoodsмягкие/твёрдые породы древесины
8. chemicalsхимикаты

IV. Словарная работа. Выполняется в тетрадях и на доске.
а) Exercise "scrambled words"
ckibr - brick
etmnec - cement
lheiscacm - chemicals
etgagreag - aggregate
ernotcec - concrete

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