Bridging a Generation Gap

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love and patience
avoid quarrels and keep their feelings under control
develop their childrens minds and give them a good education
teach their children to be decent to other people
teach their children good manners
always find time to spend with their children
hear the children out and discuss their problems
praise their children when they deserve it.
Groups 3-4:
Students use the list of expressions and explain the reasons of arguments between children and adults. Then, they say what children should (shouldnt) do to stop quarrels in the family.
Make too much noise
Tell the truth to their parents
Help about the house
Leave a room in a mess
Come back home late/in time
Respect parents
Tidy the room
Miss school and get bad marks
Do homework and study well
Spend a lot of time on the computer or watching TV
Do the shopping
All students present the results of their group work.

Now lets listen to the song and fill in the gaps with the words you hear.
Check if you are right and put marks.

Students do the task.
Dear friends! You now realize that this so-called "generation gap" should not necessarily spoil family relations. To finish the lesson lets build a bridge between generations. Use the "stones" to write down the most valuable things youve learnt today.

Students write down the main features of the happy family and build a bridge.
So, your homework is to write an article to our school newspaper under the title "Generation Gap Cant Spoil Family Relations"

Приложение 2

The Living Years
Every ge

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