our hands. Kids love to climb me.
Im new to the world. (Baby)I need rain. (Tree)
I smell nice. I twinkle in the sky.
I am beautiful. There are millions of me.
I can be in many different colours. I will light your way.
You can give me as a present. I come out at night.
Dont forget t慷整敭䘨潬敷ठ楨敤椠桴楬桧瑓牡ഩ
Вопросы ко второму туру.
What is the official name of Britain? (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland)
What is the capital of Great Britain? (London)
(На доске висят эмблемы Англии, Шотландии, Уэльса, Ирландии)
What is the national symbol of Scotland? (Thistle)
What is the national symbol of England? (Red rose)
What is the national symbol of Wales? (Daffodil)
What is the national symbol of Nothern Ireland? (Clover)
How is the flag of the UK called? (The Union Jack)
Вопросы к третьему туру.
What river is London situated on? (The Thames)
Big Ben is a part of the famous building. What is the name of this building? (The Houses of Parliament)
What is the home of the Queen? (Buckingham Palace)
It is a royal church. (Westminster Abbey)
По итогам трёх туров выбирается команда победителей. Команде-победителю вручаются призы.
Учитель английского языкаОбревко А. И.
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