АВС экологии. Окружающая среда

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средства: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор

1. Организационный момент урока:
Hello, boys and girls! Good day our guests! Im glad to see you!
What date is it today? - Today is the . . . of . . . . .
And what about the weather?

( sunny, cold, windy, rainy, snowy, ets. ) - возможные ответы уч-ся о погоде

Oh, yes! The birds are singing. The sun is shining. The snow is falling. Its so beautiful and quiet. Do you want to speak English? The language is so wonderful and magic as the nature out of the window. . .
Are you ready to start?

(Yes, certainly!)

2. Фонетическая зарядка
Lets do our phonetic exercises!: (на экране стихотворение)
1) Listen to me, please! - слушают меня

Beauty of nature, we all love to see,
From tiny insect to exotic tree.
So much life and diversity,
You can learn more, at university.

2) Repeat with me! - повторяют со мной
3) Read alone! - читают самостоятельно

Great! Excellent! Thank you.

3. Постановка цели и задач. Этап мотивации

And now look at the screen, listen to music and think what we are going to speak about during our lesson.

(на экране видео об окружающем нас мире природы и песня Луиса Армстронга "What a Wonderful World")

Can you guess the theme of the lesson?
(Nature, Ecology, Environment) - предполагаемые ответы уч-ся

Yes, you are right! The theme of our lesson is "ABC of Ecology. Environment" - на экране слайд с названием урока

Today we are going to speak about ecology, environment and how to treat and help the Earth.

4. Этап актуализации и пробного учебного действия

For discussing this topic we need

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