At the airoport

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>-о том, что нельзя оставлять багаж без присмотра.
1. Flight number 129 to Helsinki is delayed due to severe weather conditions. There is a snowstorm in Helsinki. We will know in the next couple of hours if the weather improves. We will wait for the snow to stop and for the temperature to go up to minus five degrees Celsius.
2. This is a security announcement. There are pickpockets operating at the airport. Please do not leave your baggage unattended. Keep your handbags with you at all times.
3. This is the final announcement for the British Airways flight number 345 to Moscow. All passengers please go to gate 34 immediately.

a) Picture 1:
Say true or false:
Red jacket
White dress
Black trainers
Blue jeans
Picture 2:
Blue socks
Green dress
White shirt
Black sweater

Picture 3:
Red skirt
White dress
Green jacket
Black jacket
Yellow T-shirt
b)Who is it ? ( описание необычного человека, которого встретили в аэропортуФизкультминутка под музыку:
MixPairShare"-ученики молча смешиваются под музыку, двигаясь по классу. Музыка останавливается- ученики образуют пары "дают пять". Ученики, которые не нашли партнера, поднимают руку, чтобы найти друг друга. Учитель задает вопрос и дает 5сек. на размышление. Ученики делятся своими мнениями с партнерами, благодарят.
What country /city has he/she got a ticket to?
What does he/ she wear?
What has he/she got?
What must he/she do?
7) Тренировка навыков диалогической речи:
Match two parts of the dialogue:

1) What must I show at security control?
2) Can I take a bottle of water?
3) My baggage is very heavy.
4) Where can I do shopping?
5) Can I smoke

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