Applicant reactions to personality tests

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Abdureim Abdurashytov 06. 01. 2013
20123590 ELT-516

The Review Paper
The title of the first article is Applicant reactions to personality tests: Effects of item invasiveness and face validity. It was designed to assess how the three factors- invasiveness, face validity, and applicant perceptions of empirical validity interact to affect applicant reactions.
In the research 210 undergraduate students took place. Forty-five of them were male and 55 were female. Sixty-seven per cent were in the age group 18-20. Subjects were randomly assigned to conditions in a 2 (Invasiveness) x2 (Face Validity) x2 (Actual Job Relatedness) between subjects factorial design. Invasiveness and face validity were manipulated through item content on the personality text. Actual job-relatedness was manipulated through written instructions.
Two pilot studies were conducted to identify the level of invasiveness and face validity of potential test items. Two hundred items were selected from Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory- II, Personality Research Form, and the Revised NEO Personality Inventory. Ten graduate students rated each of the items on degrees of invasiveness as well as face validity.
Invasiveness and face validity were manipulated through the content of ten items. Based on the pilot data, four test forms were created by randomly mixing ten items for each high-low combination of invasiveness and face validity with the same 15 neutral items. This resulted in 25 items for each test form, 15 neutral items were identical across all forms and 10 items specific to each form manipulated both invasiveness and face validity.
A third factor of empirical job-relatedness was manipulated via test instructions.

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