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e you got any pets at home? Can you tell us about it? And we cant imagine the world without wild animals. I know, you have prepared some information about wild animals.

T- Thank you very much, my dear friends, for your active work. And now, well do the last task. We also want to help our animals, dont we? Lets make the rules for people which is called "The Code of Rules". Well try to define what we SHOULD DO and what we SHOULDNT DO with Animals.
Lets divide into two coloums: in the first group find what we SHOULD DO and the second group find we SHOULDNT DO.
На доске плакат, у каждой группы карточки с фразами.
Cards: to be friendly with animals; to feel responsible for animals; to be friends for animals;
to kill animals; to hurt animals; to harm animals; to fight for endangered animals; to save animals from the death; feed animals and birds; help animals; frighten animals; save animals; love animals; take care of animals
(слайд 9)
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