ulture Meyerhoff, Chap. 4
Wardhaugh, Chap. 9
Course Requirements & Grading System
Active Class Participation 10
Summary of Reading Assignments 15
Oral Presentation 15
Final Exam 30
Term Project 30
Total 100
Students Responsibilities:
1. Class Participation: Coming to class does NOT count as participation. Participating is the demonstration of preparedness for class as well active engagement in discussion topics. Having questions and comments is what active participation entails so your comments and questions are always welcome.
2. Attendance Policy:
Please make every effort to be on time so as not to disrupt the class with late arrivals.
You are expected not to be absent without very good reason (e. g. , too ill to attend class) and you
should let me know of any planned absences in advance. It is virtually impossible to make up what
you will have lost from missing class discussions considering the fact that my lectures are not
exclusively based on a given textbook. Remember that we meet only once a week, so missing two
classes is actually missing two whole weeks of the course.
3. Assignments: The goal of assigned readings is to grasp an in-depth knowledge of various aspects
of sociolinguistics. Readings are assigned in the weekly plan of the course and students are expected to be able to answer questions based on the reading assignments. In addition, each student should hand in three written summaries of chosen topics one of which should be from recommended texts. All written work must be done by computer, double-spaced, leaving ample margins on the sides for my comments. Since you are majoring in ELT preferably two of the assignments should
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