Amazing places

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-talk about theme using active vocabulary 3-4 sentences
-make 5-6 sentences with punctuation accuracy.
Most learners will be able to:
- understand how transmission between pilot and controller
can be applied in familiar general situation with little support .
- talk about theme using active vocabulary 5-6 sentences.
- make 7-8 sentences with punctuation accuracy.
Some learners will be able to:
- can use phraseology could be used in case of unfamiliar
-analyze specific situation with subject-specific vocabulary.
-express their opinion use of punctuation on written form.

Type of the lesson

Teaching aids, reference books

Aspect 10 for Kazakhstan, Aspect teachers book. , https://youtu. be/9HhyanUGVnY
https://youtu. be/NawYvxYQ7Lg

Technical means, materials
Using ICT, computers, desktops and laptops, headphones, video cameras. Zoom platforn
New approaches to teaching and learning.
2. Learning to think critically
4. Using ICT in education

" Im proud of. . . ", "Who is faster? "
Values links
Creativity, patriotism, collaboration values and respect for self and others
Cross curricular links
Geography, country learning, history.
The procedure of the lesson
The lesson stage
Planned activities

Organization moment
2 min

Greeting,, setting the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

Warming-up Brainstorming
5 min

" Im proud of. . . " Students have to say by a sentence to express what they can be proud of in relation to their m

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