Additional reading

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Күні: 29- 05. 02. 2016 Сынып:10
Тақырыбы: Additional reading
Мақсаты: Оқушылардың сайлау туралы білімдерін толықтыру
Сөйлеу дағдыларын дамыту
to widen students knowledge about Kazakh traditions and customs.
- to enrich students vocabularies.
- to feel confident in speaking
- to search and learn necessary materials on theme on their own way.
- to master students to respect and keep traditions and customs.
Жаңа сөздерді үйрету
Сабақ барысы
Ұйымдастыру кезеңі:
1 Амандасу
- Good morning, boys and girls!
- Im very glad to see you!
- Sit down, please.
- Lets start our lesson.
2. - Is everybody here, today?
- I hope nobody is absent today!
- Am I right?
- Lets call the roll!
(Im very glad that all of you are present today. And Id like to start our lesson).
2 Үй жұмысын тексеру
What was your home task?
Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about sport and games
3 Жаңа тақырыппен таңыстыру
1. Talk to your group / class. Guess the meanings.
:: Who is the head of the government in the USA?
:: Do you know anything about the modal verbs?
:: Do you understand the phrase- The proposes, but congress disposes?
:: Which meaning of the words are used in question?
Must has only one form: must.
Note: The missing tenses are supplied by the past and the future tense of to have to.
E. g. I had to go home. (Past) I shall have to go home. (Future)
Must not expresses prohibition:
Read and memorize!
Pupils must not change places at the lessons.
Pupils must not prоmpt each other.
Pupils must not talk at the lesson.
If the absence of necessity is to be expressed, need not is used.

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