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You must not eat a lot.
You must not eat late at night.
You must not spend a lot of time in front of TV and computer.
…. .

T. 4. Keeping fit doesnt only mean physical exercises and healthy eating habits. It is also very important to avoid stress. How can we avoid it? Lets make a list of healthy rules. Finish my idea and try to explain it. I give you some cards you can use them in your answer.
T. Rule one. Laugh often. It is very good for your health.
P. Of all the animals only we humans can laugh. We laugh when we react to something funny or pleasant. When we laugh so many parts of our body take part and exercise: the face, the arms, the legs and the chest. Ancient people said "Laughter is the best medicine. " Scientists proved that laughter helps to cure illnesses.
T. Rule two. Sleep well. Most of us need seven or eight hours of sleep.
P. When somebody says he has been sleeping less than a couple of hours for a week, pity him. If you stay awake for a week, you will get hallucinations and after doctors cure you of them — you will have a long lasting depression. So try not to sleep less than you need.
T. Rule three. Have a hobby. Hobbies make us feel sociable, busy, interested and happy. P. The best pastime surely is the one when we have to exercise. If gardening or keeping a dog is not for you, grow cactuses, buy an aquarium, play the guitar or collect postcards — get pleasure from anything but food. Many people open their fridges not out of hunger but because they just have nothing to do!
T. Nowadays a lot of people have health problems. They feel bad after hard working day. Try to help them. Give them some advice. Match the columns.
Health problemsSolution
My teeth are yellow. Do sports. Sp

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