is Dasha. Is Dasha a good helper?
Ученики: Yes, she is.
Учитель: But I doubt (на доске перевод слова). Dasha, come to me and prove that you like to help your mum. Dashа has a project.
Ученик: Показывает презентацию и представляет своё высказывание. I like to help my mum. I and my brother work in the garden. I always make my bed. I usually wash the dishes. I often dust and sweep. I think I am a good helper.
Учитель: Excellent work. Your mum can praise you. You get a funny prize. (медаль со смайликом)
Учитель: And boys? In Great Britain? English boys? Are they good helpers? Do they like to help their mums and dads? Lets check!
5. Open your books on page 51. Read the task. Ilya, read the text aloud, please. Ученики по цепочке читают вслух текст и отвечают на вопросы к тексту.
Who does Dave like to help most of all? Prove it! Read the sentence aloud.
What did Daves mother praise him for? Open your copy-books and write down the sentences. (письмо)
6. Учитель: Well. English boys like to help their mums and dads. And Russian boys? For ex. : You, Stepa. Would you like to prove: You are a good helper? What did you do yesterday?
Ученик: монологическое высказывание в простом прошедшем времени. (На доске карточки с формами глаголов в простом прошедшем времени). Ученик выбирает из 10 карточек 5 любых на своё усмотрение и составляет с этими глаголами высказывание.
Учитель: Well done. Your mum can praise you. You get a funny prize. (медаль со смайликом)
Опрос учеников, которые ещё не отвечали.
Учитель: Nikita, answer my questions! Who do you like to help? Do you like to wash the dishes? . . . It is your turn to prove.
7. Учитель: Imagine that you are talking with Dave. We connect to England. But we have a static picture
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