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dress in English and in Russian. Have a look at the table and compare the rules.
Слайд 7,8
have some writing practice. Write your address in two languages. (Учащиеся записывают свой адрес на русском и английском языках. )
Lets check your task.
4. Части письма и языковые формулы.
A letter can be divided into three parts.
Слайд 9
Parts of the letters
Greeting (Приветствие)
1. Beginning (Зачин, вводная часть)
2. Informative part (Информационная часть)
3. End (Концовка, заключение)
P. S. (Post Scriptum) (После написанного)
Structure of letters and language formulas
Pay attention to the language formulas.
Слайды 10,11,12
Части письма

愃摧ᯜᔀ Содержание
Content Языковые клише
1. Address
2. Place & date
3. Greeting
Good afternoon
Thank you for your letter dated…
In response to your letter I can …. .
Informative part
Basic information is given.
Id like to say (mention)…
Here is the news on…
Theres nothing new about….
As a matter of fact….
Final phrases
Asking to write
Hoping to hear from you.
Ill be pleased to get….
Your sincerely

План с размещением
Слайд 13
The plan of a letter
All letters are made up of these six parts
Содержание задания:
Dear Josh,
I was happy to get your letter dated October,6.
I had a bright and delightful day yesterday. Id like to tell you about it.
I was impressed greatly.
Your friend, ………
После выполнения задания несколько учащихся зачитывают свои варианты.
V. Обобщение работы на уроке:
What ha

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