Whats your favourite toy?

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Date: 13. 02. 2015ж
The theme: Whats your favourite toy?
Form: 2"В"
Kind: аралас
Type: жаңа сабақ
Educational: "Toys" тақырыбы бойынша жаңа сөздермен таныстыру, Whats your favourite toy? жаңа сұрағын енгізу.
Developed: Жаңа сөздерді есте сақтау және сөздік қорларын дамыту.
Cultural: Тілге деген сүйіспеншіліктерін ояту
Methods of the lesson: сұрақ-жауап, топтық жұмыс, жекелей тапсырма.
I. Org. moment
-Good morning, Good morning
- Good morning to you
Get ready for the lesson!
Lets start our lesson with phonetic drill. Please, look at the blackboard and listen to me.
I like toys
Cars and balls
Kites and dolls are
My favourite toys
oo listen to me and repeat after me
oo alltogether
II. Checking up the homework. What was the hometask?
III. Presentation of the new material. Today we start new lesson. The name of our theme Whats your favourite toy
а doll
а kite
а car
а ball
а robot
a car-машина
a ball-доп
a kite-батпырауық
a robot-робот
Listen and read.
Cергіту сәті.
Open you copy books and write down the theme and the date.
IY. Doing ex.
Guess. Whats this?
It is а ball





Y. Hometask
Giving marks.
Сonclusion - Do you like the lesson or not!
-The lesson is over! Good bye!

"Переваловка орта мектебі" КММ

The theme: "Whats your

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