What does it mean to be a good friend

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росмотра презентаций Microsoft PowerPoint, мяч
Дидактическое обеспечение урока: компьютерная презентация; раздаточный материал с заданиями; видеоматериалы: введение в англоязычную среду "The union is strength", аудиоматериал "Rainbow English", динамичная пауза "lets do physical exercises", мелодия "Ill Be There For You (OST сериала "Друзья

Ход урока
Фаза1 "Начало урока"
Этап Приветствие: Good morning, dear students, dear guests! Lets begin our lesson. Today is a perfect day to speak English, isnt it? Would you like to speak English just like me?
Этап Вхождение или погружение в тему и целеполагания.
At the beginning of our lesson I offer you to show a short video and try to guess the topic we are going to speak about today and entitle the theme and aims of our class.
The theme is "What does it means to be a true friend? " What do you think our aims are? Our aim is to find the answers to this question.
The epigraph to our lesson is Friendship is an educational school of human feelings. Friendship is necessary to us not to pass the time, but in order to develop kindness in our souls.
Thats a quote from Vasily Sukhomlinsky, famous teacher and educator. Today we mark the 100th anniversary of Vasily Sukhomlinskys birth. Sukhomlynsky taught his students that the most precious thing in life is a human being, and that there is no greater honor than to bring joy to other people. We will follow his advice.
Прием "мозговой штурм" Brainstorming
Now I want you to show me what you know about friend and friendship. What associations do you have with the word friendship?
1) Do you have friends?
2) Why is it important to have good friends?

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