What do you eat for breakfast?

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Зеренді ауданы
КММ «Шағалалы орта мектебі»
Ағылшын тілі пәнінен ашық сабақ
Tақырыбы:What do you eat for breakfast?
5 «А» сыныбы
Өткізген: Альжапарова Аклима Жаксылыковна
Ақкөл орта мектебінің ағылшын
тілі пәнінің І санатты мұғалімі
2014-2015 оқу жылы
The grade: 5 A
The theme:What do you eat for breakfast?
The aims of the lesson:1. To enrich pupils knowledge about eating,food
2. to develop their skills of reading,speaking,writing and to develop an outlook of pupils. 3. to bring up pupils to love sport,to go in for sport and to be healthy pupils of our Motherland
Visual aids: Activeboard,poster,cards,pictures.
The procedure of the lesson.
I. Organization moment -Good afternoon,children!
-How are you ?
-Im very glad to see you ,too.
II. Phonetic drill Lets sing a song Hello,hello
III. Today we have many guests at the lesson. And we should show us your knowledge,best activities at the lesson.
Now at first I want you to look at the board and say what can you see, and what can you add to these pictures ……?
IV. Brainstorming. I want to know what would you like for
1. for breakfast?
2. for dinner?
3. for supper?
Now please ask some questions to each other what would you like for breakfast, for dinner, for supper ? I would like. . . for . . .
V. Read the poem and put the necessary words /supper,breakfast,dinner/
in the morning
in the day,
Tea comes after dinner,
Then comes time to play,
in the evening.
When the sky is red,
Then the days over,
And we go to bed
Thats right, and now I want you to chain the words from the poem one by one

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