Wales: legends and traditions

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Урок английского языка в 8 классе.
Урок-путешествие "Wales: legends and traditions".
Цель урока: знакомство с легендами и традициями Уэльса.
Задачи: тренировка изучающего чтения, умения отвечать и задавать вопросы; развитие навыком монологического высказывания.
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент.
2. Фонетическая зарядка
Give a man a pipe he can smoke
Give a man a book he can read
And his home is bright
With a calm be light
Though the room is poor indeed. (Учащиеся читают с доски хором, индивидуально, громко и шепотом).
- dear children, at this lesson well continue our work with the texts about Wales. Today well speak about legends and traditions of Wales. Some texts will be given to you. After reading traditions you must answer the questions and then retell the texts.
Учитель раздает ученикам небольшие тексты. На карточках или листах находятся текст и вопросы к нему. Ученики готовят пересказ текста. В конце работы учитель обобщает материал.
Text 1.
There are places in the County of Gwynedd connected with the well-known Welsh legends. Thus the town of Aberdovey is known for an old song with a plaintive melody "The bells of Aberdovey": a legend relates that centuries ago the sea burst the protecting wall and submerged a large part of the town including the church, and it is said that if you listen carefully, you will still hear the faint sound of the bells as they sway to and fro with the movement of the water.
To relate - рассказывать
To burst - размывать
To submerge - затоплять, погружать
To faint sound - слабый звук
Sway to and fro - качаться вперед и назад
1. What place is known for an old song?
2. When did the sea burst the protecting wall and s

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