W. Shakespeare. Othello. Present Perfect and Past Perfect

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The theme: W. Shakespeare. Othello. Present Perfect and Past Perfect.

Aims: 1) To explain the grammar theme prefixes and suffixes;
2) To increase students interest and motivation to learn more;
3) To enrich pupils knowledge.
4) To learn new words.

The procedure of the lesson

Greetings and checking attendance (5 min) Good morning, students!
Im glad to see you. Sit down, please!
Who is on duty today?
What day/date is it today?
Thank you. (5 min)

Warming up activity (5 min) Phonetic exercises:
1. The classroom

Checking home task (10 min) lets check your home task

The theme: Present Perfect and Past Perfect. W. Shakespeare. Othello.
Presentation the theme (30 min)
The Present Perfect Tense

Have / has V3

1. You buy it, if you want to go by bus, or by plane, or by car. (a ticket)
2. A grey animal, likes cheese, but its bigger than a mouse. (a rat)
3. A means of transport which you can see at the railway station. (a train)
4. Tomato, cucumbers are. . . (vegetables)
5. Name the antonym to the world "old". (new)
6. Is a sour yellow fruit. (a lemon)
7. What can birds and planes do, but people cant? (to fly)
8. Where can you see a lot of planes? (an airport)
9. What do monkeys like to eat? (bananas)
10. Football, tennis are. . . (games)

Present Perfect Continuous дегеніміз белгілі бір уақытта басталып және әлі де жалғасып келе жатқан шақты айтамыз. Оның көмекші етістіктері
have / has been v ing.
"Have" - I жақта қолданылады,
ал "has" - III жақта қолданылады.
I жақ III жақ
I have He has

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