Все мы учим языки, ведь они нужны везде

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бщения .
Учащийся 7: Каждый язык -это целый мир. Язык -это живая душа народа ,его радость ,боль,память,сокровище. Нет такого языка ,который бы не заслуживал уважения. Каждый народ имеет свой родной язык. который дорог его детям,как голос матери,как хлеб родной земли.
Представление команд
Ведущий 2: We are glad to great you at our game !our game is called "polyglot". Do you know the meaning of the word "polyglot"? First of all let me introduce our teams and jury . There is two teams here today. The first one is called . . . . . . . And the captain is. . . . . . The second team is called. . . . . . and the captain is. . . . . . the members of our jury are:
Now listen to the rules of our game. It consists of several stages . They are deal with English, Russian and Kazakh languages.
II Проведение конкурсов
1 конкурс "загадки" Guess the riddles!
1-it is running night and day but it never runs away? (A clock,часы, сагат)
2-Лежал ,лежал, да и в речку побежал ( snow,снег,қар)
3-Қар сияқты аппақ,өзі сондай тәтті? ( sugar,сахар,қант)
4-What has legs but cannot run? (A chair,стул,орындық)
5-Длинное хвостище, рыжее волосище ,сама хитрище?( fox,лиса,түлкі)
6-Ол жұмса көзін ұйықтаймыз өзім?(лампа,шырыгы,a lamp)
7-The little old man who has 12 children? (A year, год, жыл)
8-I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers without water? (A map, карта)
9-What is it that looks like a cat, eats like a cat, walks like a cat, but still it is not a cat?(a kitten, котенок,мысық)
10-What has no head, no arm no legs, and still has a tongue? (A shoe,обувь,аяқ киім)
2 конкурс "Пословицы-proverbs"
Complete proverbs
1-отанды сүю, отбасынан басталады.
2-Не имей сто

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