Вопросы религии на уроках обществознания и английского языка. Подготовка к написанию эссе

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eel on them.
Women do not pray in the same place as men. There is usually a screened off area for them. Muslims pray five times a day (prayer times are fixed by the sun and change daily). They wash themselves before prayer and face the direction of Mecca while praying. If it is financially possible, Muslims are required to travel to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. The main Muslim Festival is Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic Lunar calendar. During Ramadan all Muslims across the world do not eat during the hours of daylight. The symbol is the crescent and star. Islam is not just a religion that gives only the religious way of life, rather it is complete code of life and speaks about every matter of life, whether it is economics, politics, or social life and so on.
The religion was founded:
The founder of the religion:
The number of followers of the religion:
The Holy Bookof the religion:

Places of worshipof the religion:
The main holidays of the religion:
The symbolof the religion:
A key concept of the religion:

Ход урока
Этап урокаДеятельность учителяДеятельность учащихся
Орг. моментПриветствие, введение в тему урока.
Словарная и речевая разминка- The keyword of our lesson is to believe. Make up other words from this one.
- What is the difference between unbeliever and disbeliever?
- There are millions of people in the world and they can believe in different things. What can people believe in?Учащиеся образуют слова:
belief, disbelief, believer, unbeliever, disbeliever, believable, unbelievable, believably, unbelievably, believing.
Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос
- People can believe in…
Целеполагание - Complete my sentence First of all people believe in…

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