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Морозова Е. Н.

Название урока и класс
Appearance (Внешность), 6 класс
Изучение описания внешности человека
Планируемые результаты
- Активизация грамматических и лексических навыков по теме "Внешность".
- Актуализация навыков диалоговой речи.
- Развитие навыков говорения.
Этап урока
Время(мин. )
Деятельность учителя
Ссылки на карточки от Учи. ру
Организационный момент
3 мин.
Good morning, boys and girls! Im glad to see you. How are you? Lets begin our lesson.

Актуализация знаний
6 мин.
Работа в группах.
Your pen-friends describe their family.
You should listen to them attentively and pay your attention to new words.
https://uchi. ru//teachers/cards/162607
Самоопределение к деятельности
5 мин.
Who is your best friend? Look at this photo. This is my best friend Gilyana. She is kind, friendly and clever. Do you like her? What can you say about her? What colour is her hair? What about her eyes/nose etc. ?

What will we talk today about? What will we do today?
Ребята, о чем мы будем говорить сегодня?
You are right. Today we will talk about appearance and learn the phrase "Who do you look like?".
https://uchi. ru//teachers/cards/162610
https://uchi. ru//teachers/cards/162608
Работа по теме урока
10 мин.
Работа с письмом. Каждой группе выдается письмо.
Ребята, а какие мы? (What are we?) А какие ваши ровесники за рубежом? (What are your peers abroad?) We will talk and learn about it today. And well learn about it from letters.
Look at this. I have letters from two girls and a boy. They are classmates from England. They would like to make friends with you. You should read these letters and

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