Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

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оей сестренке восемь лет.
А восемь по-английски-:eight.
Никогда не забывай,
Что пятерка - это :five.

2 тур. Let us count! Запишите цифрами и решите примеры. (Раздаются карточки. )
Первая команда
Вторая команда
Twenty plus fifty is:
Eighteen plus fourteen is:
Seventy minus fifteen is:
Sixteen plus fourteen is:
Fifty- two minus eighteen is:
Ninety-six plus three is:
Seventeen minus nine is:
Sixty-eight plus twenty is:
Forty-nine minus seventeen is:
Nineteen minus ten is:
Seven plus twelve is:
Twenty minus sixteen is:
Ninety plus five is:
Eleven minus eight is:
Forty plus thirteen is:
Forty-five minus seven is:
Sixty -three plus fifteen is:
Eighty-two minus twelve is:
Seventeen plus thirty is:
Twenty-six minus eleven is:

3 тур. Запишите числа цифрами. (На экране дана письменная запись чисел)
Первая команда:
Four hundred and sixty-five
Three thousand, eight hundred and ninety- two
Six hundred and fifteen
Two thousand, three hundred and seventy- one
Nine hundred and eighty- four
One thousand, five hundred and sixty-nine
Seven thousand, four hundred and twenty

Вторая команда:
Six thousand, two hundred and ninety- one
Three hundred and seventy- four
Nine thousand, fife hundred and sixty-five
Two hundred and ninety
Seven thousand, four hundred and fifty -six
Eight hundred and forty- seven
Five thousand, nine hundred and thirty- four

4 тур: Lets read my riddles and try to guess:
(Загадки появляются на экране для каждой команды)
There are four boys
In the yard:
The:: boy is tall,
The:. . boy is small,
The:. boy is fat,
The :. . boy is sad.
There are

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