Визит к доктору

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Тема урока: Визит к доктору
План урока.
1 Начало урока. Приветствие
Teacher: Nice to meet you
Children: Nice to meet you
Teacher: Nice to meet you
Children: Nice to meet you
Teacher: Nice to meet you. I am so glad to meet you
Children: Thank you. I am glad to meet you.
Teacher: Children, greet our guests.
Children: Good-morning, our dear guests.
2 Вступительное слово. Постановка целей и задач. Деление на команды.
Teacher: Are you ok today?. . . Im glad that you are all in good health. Lets divide into two teams. Take a circle and choose your place.
3 Основная часть урока (практическая деятельность учащихся)
Слайд 1 Is this girl happy?
Teacher: Ok, we have two teams now. Look at the picture. What is going on? Is this girl happy? Why? Yes. You are right. As you see this girl is ill. She has got the flu. Shes got a headache and a high temperature.
Слайд 2 What illnesses do you know?
Teacher: What illnesses do you know? These cards in Russian will help you. (Appendix1) (Appendicitis, chickenpox, the flue, a cold, a backache, headache, a broken arm, a toothache, a stomachache (1, стр. 80), diarrhea, neurosis, migraine, hepatitis, cholera, gout, rheumatism, insomnia, bruise, bump, temperature, allergy, bronchitis, a broken leg, angina, coughing, sneezing)
Teacher: Very good. I see you know many illnesses. Do you know the reasons of illnesses? Why can we have health problems? . . . . So, our health is in our own hands. What food is healthy and what is not healthy?
Слайд 3 Healthy and unhealthy food
These pictures will help you. (Appendix 2) (potatoes, grapes, chocolate, strawberries, tea, juice, ice-cream, eggs, bread, milk, kiwi, nuts, cherries, apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, cheeseburg

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