Valentines day

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Учитель: Крючкова О. В.
Тема: «Valentines day»
Цель: формирование лексических навыков говорения
Задачи: - тренировать учащихся в понимании устной речи на слух;
- развивать у учащихся навыки общения;
- приучать учащихся к самостоятельной работе.
Этапы урокаСодержание урока Приемы работы
Орг. Момент
Введение и первичное закрепление
Выполнение заданий
Подведение итогов- Hello, children! I am glad to see you! How are you? Today we have got an unusual lesson, we are going to speak about holidays!
The first holiday is Snt. Valentines day. Who knows something about this holiday?
(childrens answers)
Valentines day started over two thousand years ago as a winter festival, on 15 February. Valentines day is time to celebrate love and friendship. Love and friendship are very important parts of our lives. Valentines day is a time to tell people that we like them or love them. On Valentines day we send people valentines. These are little cards or notes that say Be my Valentine. Look at the blackboard. There are 2 poems. First I will read and then you will repeat after me.
Ill be your sweetheart
if you will be mine,
all of my life Ill be your Valentine.
The rose is red,
the violets are blue,
the honeys sweet
and so are you.
Who can translate these poems?
Start, please.

ᄀyou understand me?
Lets check!
And one more task for you. Your task is to write a valentine card to a person with congratulations and wishes! You can use our poems! Good-luck!
Our lesson is over! Now you know something about one of the most interesting holidays in the world!
Have a nice day! See you!
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