come here! Help me, please!
Grandmother: All right, grandfather. I am coming.
Grandfather and grandmother: (they are pulling the turnip together) One, two, three! One, two, three! Oh! Its too big for us!
Grandmother: Granddaughter, granddaughter, help us, please!
Granddaughter: All right, granny. I am coming!
Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter: One, two, three! One, two, three!
One, two, three! Its too big for us!
Graddaughter: Dog, dog! Help us, please!
The Dog: All, right, granddaughter. Im coming.
Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, dog: One, two, three! One, two, three!
One, two, three! Oh, its too big for us!
The Dog: Cat, cat! Help us, please!
The Cat: All, right, dog. Im coming.
Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, dog, cat: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! Oh, its too big for us!
The Cat: Mouse, mouse! Help us, please!
The Mouse: All, right, cat. Im coming.
Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, dog, cat, mouse: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! (They pulled the turnip out) OK!
Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, dog, cat, mouse (together):
Oh! What a big turnip we have!
Ведущий 1:Thank you very much.
Ведущий 2 Викторина "Назови героя сказки по описанию"
1. Герой какой сказки пел песенку:
"Ах, мой милый Августин,
Все прошло, прошло". ("Свинопас").
2. В какой сказке придворные уверяли, что их король одет в роскошные одежды? ("Новое платье короля").
3. Какой герой Андерсена знает сказок больше всех на свете? (Оле-Лукойе).
4. О ком идет речь:
"В самой чашечке цветка сидел маленький человечек, беленький и прозра
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