Урок-викторина по английскому языку "Россия"

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youll get your points. If your answer is not right, the members of the team can help you. If you cant answer the question the other team will try its chance. If both teams are wrong, the question will be taken away.
T. 1: And of course you shouldnt forget about your grammar: the use of the articles.

Учащиеся слушают правила викторины.
III. Фонетическая зарядка.
(На доске слайд с фонетической зарядкой)T. 2: Before we start our quiz, lets practice some sounds and repeat different geographical and proper names (Учителя по очереди зачитывают географические названия и имена собственные)
Учащиеся повторяют за учителями некоторые географические названия.
IV. Ход викториныT. 1: Now, pupils, its high time to start the quiz.
1. Geographical Position:
1)What is the deepest freshwater lake in Russia?(2points)
2) What sea washes Russia in the South?(4points)
3) What Russian mountain chains do you know? (3points)
4) How many regions are there in the Russian Federation? (5points)
5) What is the longest river in Europe?(2points)
2. Political System:
1) What is the Lower House of the Federal Assembly?(3points)
2) Who was the first Russian President?(2points)
3) What is the official name of the Russian Parliament?(5points)
4) Who is the Head of the Republic of the Russian Federation?(1point)
5) What is the highest law of the Russian Federation?(3points)
3. Main cities:
1) What is the biggest city of the Ural region?(2points)
2) When was Moscow founded?(3points)
3) What five ancient Russias towns are included into the Golden Ring (Zolotoye Koltso)?(4points)
4) Why did the Russian people call Smolensk the key city during the war of 1812? (5points)
5) What is the original name of the

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