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hotel and booked us a (5) ticket. Then we packed our (6) and (7) at the airport. We stayed in a small hotel near London. It offered us a wide range of different activities: (8) and (9) for those who (10). (11) is offered for those who want to get to remote places and are fond of scenic routes. Those who want (12) their holiday but (13) can buy a (14) which is a cheap way to see almost everything.
Key: 1. schedules; 2. know; 3. depends; 4. mind; 5. rather; 6. stopover; 7. change; 8. direct; 9. serve; 10. meals; 11. reserve; 12. special; 13. kind

I see that you like travelling very much and know a lot of interesting things about it. Well, our lesson is almost over. Thank you for being active at the lesson. It was very interesting to listen to your points of view. Your marks for the lesson are the following.

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