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ravel best of all?

T: Thats right. People usually travel in summer. So, today we are going to speak about travelling.

Cl: Hello, teacher!

Today is. . .

Now it is winter

People like to travel in Summer

Say some association with summer

The world is the book. And those who do not travel read only one page
What do you think about it?
T: So, today we are going to speak about transport and travelling.
What points should we mention to make a plan?

St. say their opinion about the words from the slide

Where. . . ?
Things you need
How . . . ?
What . . . ?
Slide 3

a spider

The activation of vocabulary
T: Lets start with the countries. What countries do you know?
T: Great, you know so many countries. Look at the board, please. Where can you see and visit these things?
T: Fine. And what things should we take? Work in pairs. There are a lot of different things on the desks, choose only those you need and write them.

Russia, Kazakhstan, India. . .

I can see. . .
I can visit . . .
It is . . .

St write the words and compare with the slide

Slides 5, 6, 7

There are some words on the desk: a flower, a TVset, a passport, a computer, a bag, money, a camera, a computer, a sofa, clothes, a ticket, first aids, a cat,
New vocabulary
T: And how can we travel?
Shows different types of transport and sound them
T: Thats great. You have sheets of paper on your desks, please, take them. Youll listen to the sounds of transport means and match the picture and the word. Is the tas

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