and tea or coffee.
For lunch the English people may have a sandwich with wholemeal bread (цельнозерновой хлеб), a banana, soup and fruit juice. Working people (работающие люди) usually have lunch at the canteen, in the café or at small restaurant.
Dinner is the biggest meal of the day. Many English families have sausage (колбаса), bacon and eggs, bread and cheese, a glass of juice, hot chocolate and fruit.
Afternoon tea is between five and six oclock. Five oclock tea is an old English tradition. Friends often come for a chat (поболтать) and they have their cup of tea, cake or biscuit.
Traditional English food is fish and chips with peas, steak and kidney pie (пирог с мясом и почками), sausage and mashed potatoes.
Text 2. Meals in America
Most Americans eat three meals during the day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. They have brunch on Sundays. It is a combination of breakfast and lunch.
For breakfast they have different kinds of cereal (каши из злаков): cornflakes (кукурузные хлопья), oatmeal (овсянка), cream of wheat (каша из мелкодробленых зерен пшеницы); scrambled eggs (яичница болтунья), an omelet with potatoes, or a cup of yogurt.
For lunch the Americans have pizza, potato chips, Mc Donalds food, sandwiches, hot dogs, hot corn (горячая кукуруза), sweet gas water, fruit and salads.
There are many fast-food restaurants in the USA.
For dinner they have salad with vegetables. Then they like to eat fried chicken, steaks (бифштексы), ribs (лятина), beef (говядина), fish; baked (вареный), fried (жареный) and mashed potatoes (картофельное пюре). The Americans never eat herring (селедка) and seldom soup. But they may eat puree soup or cream soup (суп-пюре).
American have traditions that is
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