The world of chess

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Theme of the lesson: "The world of chess"
School: Republic school "Zhas ulan"
Date: 30. 11. 2018
Teacher: Aubakirova S. T
Class :11 "zh"
Number of present ulans :
Number of absent ulans:0
Aim of the lesson

Assimilation of new vocabulary, to promote curiosity,
develop skills of reading and speaking on the theme
Learning objective:
Most students will be able to :
-define rules for the use of conditional sentences(I,II,III).
-pupils will be able to do the majority
Language objective:

Students can:
-ICT literacy

Lets play a game of chess. - Lets have a game of chess.
Lets play a game of chess.
I dont know how to play. I dont know how to play.
Ill teach you. Ill teach you.
Whites starting. White starts.
Whose turn is it now? Where move is it?
My turn now. Its my move.
Plan of the lesson
Form of training
Activities of teachers
Activities of students
4 min

Ph. drill
Ulans, are you tired? Would you like to relax?
Lets do 2 circles and play in game "Double-double this, this
Double-double that-that
Double this
Double that
Double double this that"
Lets start our lesson !

To listen attention and make exercise
Interactive board

2 min
Divide into groups

Now lets devide into 3 groups. (king, pawn ,knight)

To choose the cards

5-7 min

Let s check up your home task

On the last lesson we spoke about sport! Are you agree with me ? What was your home task? Home task was: rete

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