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p the dialogues.

- If you are ready, you may act out your dialogues.
- Okay, . . . and . . . , please.

- Thank you for your dialogues. Let us do the next exercise. It is Ex. 2. Complete the situations saying what youd like other people to do instead of you. Use the example.
- . . . . , read the example, please.
- Okay. Is it clear?
- Let us start and the first sentence is for. . .

- Write down your home-task:
1) ex. 4, p. 70 (make up the sentences using the pictures);
2) ex. 5, p. 71 (complete the situations);
3) ex. 6, p. 71 (translate from Russian into English).

- Im very satisfied with your answers.
Your marks are . . . .
- Good bye. See you next lesson.

- Good afternoon, teacher.

- Im on duty today.
- Today is the 28th of February.
- Today is Saturday

- Есть три маленьких волшебных слова,
Которые откроют любую дверь легко.
Два маленьких слова это "Спасибо"!
И другое маленькое слово "Пожалуйста".

- "Magic Words"
There are three little magic words
That will open any door with ease.
Two little words are "Thank you!"
And the other little word is "Please!"

ученики пишут письменный диктант

- Please

ученики делятся на пары и составляют диалоги.

ученики разыгрывают диалоги

ученики выполняют упражнение на использование конструкции WOULD LIKE

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