The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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План-конспект урока-проекта в 5В классе
По учебнику "Английский язык" для 5 класса (авторы: И. Н. Верещагина, О. В. Афанасьева)
Тема: "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"
Цель урока: ученик научится интерпретировать информацию из разных источников в форме комментария (монологического высказывания) и интеллект-карты, составленной в ходе совместной работы.
Ход урока.
1. Орг. момент: Good morning children! Good morning dear guests. Im glad to see you all here. Lets start our lesson.
2. Включается гимн. Все встают.
oo Mary, come out, please. (Стихотворение "My hearts in the Highlands")
oo Look at the map. What country are we going to speak about?
-Where is it situated?
- Look at the screen and answer my questions.
- What is the full name of the country?
- How many parts are there in GB? Name them.
- What are the main rivers?
- What are the highest mountains?
-Who is the head of the country? What is her name? What does she do?
- Does she have a real power? Who has?
- How many houses are there in the Parliament?
3. Now lets continue.
Today we have an unusual lesson. You will do projects at the lesson and at the end of the lesson you must be ready to present them.
But look how well work. Well make a mind map (somehow "a scheme") according to which you are to work.
Презентация "Mind map". UK - England - (geography, capital, population, symbol, flag, etc. )- объяснение как составлять карту.
Lets start. You have the file with a number of cards. First stick the name of your country in the centre of the poster, then draw a line and stick the symbol.
4. Перепутанный текст

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