well done
4) The next game is Strike.
This is a skittle. Strike a skittle. Volunteers, take your places near the skittles. The task for you is under the skittle. Guess the sport that volunteers will read. Lets begin.
- your turn… – try to do it better.
(Команды поочередно стараются сбить кеглю. Под каждой кеглей карточка, на которой написано название спорта.
The score is 0 to 1 (1 to 1) deadlock (ничья)
The leaders are … Tigers/ Lions
Рефлексия, информация о домашнем задании
T: So, we can do many things. What can you do well?
У: I can run fast, jump high, speak English well, help during competition
I know Slogan of the OG, winter and summer sports
I like learning English, to play different games, to guess the sport, to do a lot of exercises
T: I see that are strong, you can be a willing helpers, you know English well. I think you are ready for the Olympic Games in Sochi. I hope, you are the future champions.
«…» gets … points
The winners are … This medals are for you.
Dont forget. Your home task is to make up the questions for the interview with the famous sportsman. The lesson is over.
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