The main types of political power

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n keeping with the Constitution. But a situation where the governments makeup does not reflect the parliamentary majority can be a source of problems for many aspects of the executive branchs work, especially law-making. Such problems could reduce the effectiveness of the executive branchs work and make it unable to resolve pressing tasks.
In order to overcome such a situation, the Constitution gives the President a number of powers that he can use on, an ongoing basis to influence the governments work. These powers include approving the structure of the federal executive bodies of power, appointing deputy prime ministers and ministers, the right to preside government meetings, exercise control over the lawfulness of the governments action, and direct subordination of the security ministries to the President. The President has the right to dismiss the government or to accept the Prime Ministers resignation, which automatically entails the resignation of the government as a whole.
The President works with two consultative bodies -- the Security Council and the State Council. The President chairs these two councils. The system of Presidential power includes the Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoys in the Federal Districts.

Домашнее задание упр. 5(з) стр. 229 Л. И. Кравцова. Английский язык/Учебник.

Список используемой литературы:
Л. И. Кравцова. Английский язык/Учебник. Москва 2014.
Габи Гальстер, Зигрид Бруггер, пер. на русский Н. А . Ганиной. Английская грамматика/ Учебное пособие. Москва 2011.
Дариш Кочан Английский язык за 20 минут каждый день. Учебное пособие:М. ,2010
С. В. Первухина. Английский язык в таблицах и схемах. Ростов н/Д:Феникс,2015

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