The fox and the fish

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ШҚО,Жарма ауданы,Жаңғызтөбе кенті,
"Жаңғызтөбе орта мектеп-балабақша кешені"КММ-сі
ағылышын тілі пән мұғалімі
Ашиманова Арайлым Канатовна

The theme: Home reading. "The fox and the fish"
Aims of the lesson: developing the skills of the reading ,translating and listening.

1. Organisation moment.
Good morning, boys and girls. Im very glad to see you.

2. To inform the theme of the lesson.

Today were going to read, act and discuss a story which is called
The fox and the fish"
3. Work with the text.

Please, open your books and find page 50. Lets read the words before the text. Listen to me at first.

Nurai, read the words again.

Task 1. And now look at the blackboard. Your task is to find the right translation to these words.

Task 2. I want you to look through the papers that Im giving to you. The task is to make the sentences complete.

4. Work with the text.
Very good. Lets read the text sentence by sentence.

Now lets translate the tale. Well do it one by one.

5. Lets have a rest!

Stand up, children. Lets do some exercises.

6. Please, turn off your lists. Listen the sentences and put down plus , if its right, and minus, if its not.
Lets check it up.
7Giving marks

8. Home work
O. K. Put down your home task. Itll be to retell the story in 10 sentences.


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