The Easter Holiday

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Мария Магдалена: "I cant find the body of Christ in the tomb. It has been stolen!"
"Влетает" белый ангел. Подбегает к Марии Магдалене.
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"Christ is risen, Christ is risen. Maria Magdalena, go and tell people that Christ is risen from dead".
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The legend says that there was a great earthquake after Christs death. Maria Magdalena couldnt find Christs body in the tomb. After a white angel appeared she went to the Emperor of Rome.
Сценка: сидит император. Вбегает Мария Магдалена.
- The great emperor of Rome. Christ is risen from dead.
- (император усмехается) I dont believe you. It cant be. A white egg in your arms will never be red.
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- Look. A miracle has happened and the white egg has turned into red.
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Since those days Easter has become a great religious holiday. Nowadays people repeat this miracle every year on Easter holiday and paint eggs in yellow, green and red colours.
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Dear friends! Today we are going to tell you about the celebration of Easter in Great Britain. /Слайд 4/
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Easter has its own beauty, traditions and symbols. In Great Britain Easter is celebrated every spring. It is always celebrated on Sunday. Easter has its roots in many traditions gathered from many parts of the world. /Слайд 5/
Ведущий 2. There are many symbols of Easter. German settlers to Pennsylvania brought with them the story of the Easter Bunny. Children believed that if they were good, the Easter Bunny would lay a nest of colored eggs. Because rabbits are known for producing a lot of young, especially in the springtime, they symbolize new life. As the Easter Bunny custom spread a

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