The best in the USA

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The outline of the lesson plan
Date: 15. 04. 2015
Subject: English
Form: 6 "Б"
Theme: The best in the USA.
The form of the lesson: nontraditional
The type of the lesson: revision lesson
The aims of the lesson: by the end of the lesson pupils should know about the fauna and flora of the USA.
The objectives of the lesson:
I. Educational
Vocabulary topics:
- fauna,flora etc.
II. Upbringing:
oo To extend pupils knowledge about the fauna and flora of the USA.
III. Developing:
oo To develop pupils imagination and extend their vocabulary stock and grammar;
oo To develop listening, reading, speaking, writing, habits and oral speech;
oo To develop pupils polylingual and polycultural identity.
IV. Communicative:
oo Talking about presidents in pairs and in subgroups
Inter - subject connection: Russian, English, practical grammar, biology .
Methods of teaching: exercises, instruction, demonstration, practice, explanation
The equipment of the lesson:
oo Visual aids: new words, pictures, cards, slides.
oo Technical means: interactive board
Literature: English text-book for the 6th form by T. A. Ayapova Алматы

The procedure of the lesson
Stages of the lesson
Teachers activity
Pupils activity
I. Introduction

II. New theme


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