The articles

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Lesson plan
Lesson:English Lesson
Date: 20. 01. 2017
Lexical theme: The articles
Grammar theme:The Geographical position of the USA
Equipment: blackboard,picture,chalk,map.
Aims:оқушылардың өзге мемлекеттер туралы алған білімдеріне жалпы шолу жасау,қайталау жұмыстарын жүргізу
The Procedure of the lesson
I. Org . moment
a)Greeting(2 minutes)
T:Good morning,children!
P:Good morning,teacher!
T:How are you?
P:We are fine!
b)Dialogue with the students, who is on duty(3 minutes)
T:Who is on duty today?
P:I am on duty today
T:Who is absent?
P:All are present
T:What date is it today?
P:20. 01. 2017
T:What day is it today?
P:Today is Friday
T:Good job! Thank you, sit down ,please!
Checking up home task
T:What was your home task?
P:Our home task was Ex 4,5,1,2 at page 112-113
Presentation of lesson materials.
Today we will learn about The geographical position of the USA. What do you know about the USA?
Who discovered America?When?
Where was Columbus born?
What do you know about his relatives?
The USA is the fourth largest country after - Russia, China ,Canada
CША 4-Я по величине страна после России Китая и Канады
Справочная информация
Territory more that 9 million square km
Languages -English, Spain, German, Italian
Capital -Washington
Largest cities - Los Angeles, Chicago, Holliwood, Philadelfia, New York
The Flag of The USA called stars and stripes. There are three colors in the flag- red, blue, and white. Americans are proud their flag and display in it in many places.
Proud- мақтанады . display -- көрсетеді.
Head of the State is the President, who is elected every four years.

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