Thanksgiving day

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yflower" два пилигрима ведут беседу. Один из них смотрит в бинокль.
First pilgrim: Its cold today. We dont have anything to eat.
Second pilgrim: Lets sing and play. It will help us.
First pilgrim: Ok. Look, who are there?
Second pilgrim: Our old friends Squanto and Samоset are there.
Звучит индейская музыка. На сцену выбегают 2 мальчика с криками и гиканьем и танцуют индейский танец.
Indians: Hello everybody. We have presents for you. (выносят на сцену огромную тыкву, которую ставят перед пилигримами и корзину с кукурузными палочками, попкорном, раздают всем присутствующим).
Pilgrims: Thank you very much. Our little concert is for you.
Участники праздника читают стихотворения.
Funny bird
The turkey is a funny bird.
Its head goes wobble, wobble.
All it knows is just one word
And that is gobble, gobble!

Turkeys all around
Turkeys, turkeys all around
On the fence, on the ground.
On the haystack, on the chair.
All around, everywhere.
Turkeys, turkeys all around.
Gobble, gobble what a sound!
Thanksgivings come
It is Thanksgiving.
It is Thanksgiving.
Oh, what fun
For everyone.
Friends and family near,
Filled with holiday cheer.
Oh, what fun.
Thanksgivings come!
On Thanksgiving Day
Mother makes the dinner.
Grandma brings the pies.
Father carves the turkey.
And I will tell you why. Today is very special
Were thankful, so we say,
"Peace and love to everyone"
Its Thanksgiving Day!

Ведущий: Now lets play. The first competition is "The cleverest, the quickest".
Ведущий объясняет правила этого конкурса: соревнование проводится парами. Участники встают напротив друг друга

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